Nail fungus varnishes are an effective form of topical preparation that allows you to quickly deal with mycosis, restoring the nails to their natural appearance. Effectiveness is related to the ability of the active substance to penetrate deep into the nail, affecting all layers of the plate. As a result, the fungal spores die without the possibility of recurrence.
Advantages and disadvantages
The first advantage of the product is its high efficiency. Due to its liquid structure, the product penetrates deeply. It completely stops fungal spores. This eliminates the possibility of disease recurrence.
Other advantages of this form of publication:
- Complete protection. After the solution dries, a film is formed. It does not let in air or moisture. The film blocks the access of oxygen to the infected microflora. As a result, the vital activity of microorganisms is suppressed.
- Security. Fungicidal varnishes are characterized by minimal side effects.
- Long lasting. Medicines are applied several times during the week. If you skip the procedure, its effectiveness will not be significantly affected.
- Versatility. They are effective in the treatment and prevention of onychomycosis. Dermatologists can prescribe medications for those at risk. These are increased sweating, foot pathologies, specific work.
Disadvantages of toenail fungus varnishes include the high cost. Among the components of some varieties there are toxic compounds. Therefore, they can be undesirable for children. Another limitation may be pregnancy.

General rules of application
Before applying anti-fungal nail polish, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the problem area. For processing, use laundry soap or an antibacterial agent.
The surface of the nail plate must be degreased. To do this, use the product in combination with an anti-fungal nail polish.
It is acceptable to use diluted alcohol or iodine.
The following is recommended:
- Dry the feet thoroughly and wipe the nail plates. Then they are sanded with a nail file. It is important that the nail is not long at the end. It should be trimmed as carefully as possible;
- Apply the product in a thin layer. The required frequency of application is specified in the instructions for use;
- Wait for the composition to dry;
- Disinfect all pedicure accessories. This applies to nail files and scissors. In this case, it will be possible to avoid disease recurrence and secondary fungal infection.
No anti-fungal colored nail polishes. It can be applied under cosmetic varnish. To do this, the plate must be solid, and the stage of the fungus must be initial or intermediate.
Not recommended for use during pregnancy. The same applies to the breastfeeding period. Another restriction is children under the age of four.
It is undesirable to use if you have an individual intolerance to the components. In such cases, you must consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist in advance.
For cuts, burns, scratches or other damage to the skin around the nail, do not use nail polish.

Contraindications for the use of antifungal varnish
List of the most effective drugs
Among the most effective drugs are Exoderil, Onihelp and others. They cost from 700-800 rubles. for 2. 5 ml.
Lacquer with the active ingredient amorolfine hydrochloride (5%)
The main component is amorolfine hydrochloride (5%). Auxiliary substances: ethanol, triacetin, ethyl acetate. Effective against dermatophytes, yeasts and molds. It helps even in non-susceptible species, for example Micorales. Suitable for use in the initial and later stages.
As for the form of issuance, it is a transparent solution. The application should be as follows:
- Varnish is applied once or twice a week to the affected plates;
- First, remove and file the nail to a minimum length. You also need to degrease the board beforehand;
- The varnish is applied with light movements. The skin does not touch. After treating the affected plates, the product should dry. This will take three to five minutes;
- The treatment should be carried out until the nail is completely healed.

The use of varnish is unacceptable if you are allergic to the main and additional components. Another limitation is the age under 18 years. Adverse reactions are rare. Redness or slight itching stops on its own, after a maximum of 24 hours.
Lacquer with the active ingredient amorolfine (5%)
The main component is amorolfine (5%). Excipients: triacetin, ethyl acetate, anhydrous ethanol. As for the form of release, it is a colorless varnish.
It is characterized by a wide spectrum of action. Effective against yeast and mold fungi. It is used for demorphic microorganisms, dermatophytes. Treatment is acceptable in the initial and later stages.
Use medicated anti-fungal nail polish to apply to the affected plates:
After processing, it should be dried. Then you can put on socks and shoes. Be sure to disinfect the applicator, file and scissors that were used during the treatment process.
Therapy is carried out for three or more weeks.
An absolute contraindication is an allergy to the product's components. A relative restriction is pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Side effects develop extremely rarely and pass on their own.
This varnish is not used for prophylactic purposes. It is designed to treat problematic nail plates.
Lacquer with the active ingredient terbinafine (1%)
Available in solution, cream, spray and tablet form. The active ingredient for each form of release is terbinafine (1%). The component prevents the reproduction of the fungus and destroys the infectious lesion. Additional components in the composition: benzyl alcohol, sodium hydroxide, purified water, other types of alcohol.
The most effective polish against toenail fungus is in the initial stage. It is used for dermatomycosis and candidiasis. The list of actions is as follows:
- The legs are pre-steamed and cleaned;
- The varnish is applied in a thin layer, leveled - it should completely cover the affected area;
- Treated areas should not be washed for 24 hours.
If more than 50% of the nail is affected, there is no point in using the drug. Contraindications are alcohol addiction, acute vascular disorders, kidney and liver failure. Adverse reactions may develop. Itching, redness and burning go away on their own. If hives appear, consult a dermatologist.
Lacquer and cream with the active ingredient amorolfine (5%)
Available in the form of cream and varnish. The main component in both cases is Amorolfin (5%). Additional components: triacetin, butyl acetate, absolute ethanol. Thanks to the formula, the fungal reproduction process is completely disrupted.
The varnish is used to treat nail fungus caused by dermatophytes, molds and fungal infections. Preferably in the initial stage of mycosis. However, if more than 66% of the surface is affected, the product will not be effective.
Use the fungicide as follows:
- The surface of the plate is cleaned and degreased. Use an alcohol swab;
- Problematic nails are treated before each use of the drug. Use a nail file and remove the remaining layer of polish with a tampon;
- The applicator is lowered into the nail polish bottle. Then carefully pull it out. The excess is not wiped off the neck of the bottle;
- Apply the polish in an even layer using the applicator. It affects the entire surface of the affected plate. Each nail is treated in this way. The varnish dries within three minutes.
Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to product components. Adverse reactions develop very rarely. They pass by themselves. Loceryl is recommended for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Lacquer with the active ingredient naftifine (1%)
This is an anti-fungal nail polish, the active ingredient of which is naftifine (1%). In addition to varnish, there is also a cream with a similar composition. Excipients: ethanol and purified water.
Effective in the treatment of dermatophytes and molds. The application is as follows:
- The feet are washed and dried;
- Cut the nails as much as possible, slightly loosen their structure with a nail file;
- The varnish is applied in an even layer - it is allowed to touch adjacent areas of the skin.
Treatment of allergy sufferers is unacceptable. Use is undesirable in case of plate injuries, purulent or infected areas. Adverse reactions are reversible. Most often it is redness, itching, peeling. They disappear on their own within 12-24 hours.
Lacquer with the active ingredient amorolfine hydrochloride (5%)
Another anti-fungal polish. Available in cream and spray form. The main component is amorolfine hydrochloride (5%). Additional substances: triacetin, absolute ethanol, ethyl acetate.
Most effective in the treatment of yeast and dermatophyte fungi.
It is used for dimorphic microorganisms. Usage should be as follows:
- The varnish is carefully applied to the previously cleaned plate;
- First check for damage or cracks;
- You can use two layers of the product - the first is applied after the second has dried.
Treatment of children with allergies to components is unacceptable. Adverse reactions are rare. Hyperemia or burning disappears on its own.

Inexpensive but effective antifungal varnishes
Fungus can be fought with more affordable means. There are no less effective drugs among them.
Lacquer with the active ingredient cycloperox (8%)
Perhaps the best and cheapest nail polish for toenail fungus. Available in the form of varnish and cream. Active ingredient: cicloperox (8%). Auxiliary components isopropanol and ethyl acetate. The drug is effective against dermatophytes, candidiasis and mold.
Used externally:
- The varnish is applied in a thin layer to the problem nail. Do this once every other day for the first month;
- During the second month - twice a week, during the third - once in seven days;
- During the week, say on Saturday, the nail polish is removed. A special solvent is used for this;
- Therapy continues until complete recovery.
Contraindications: allergies to components, childhood, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Adverse reactions are possible. Hyperemia, itching and burning pass by themselves.
Lacquer with the active ingredient formic aldehyde 5%
Available in varnish form. The main component is paraform (formaldehyde 5%). Additional components: polyvinyl acetate emulsion, protein and enzyme mixture.
Apply nail polish every day for a month. It fights against mold and yeast fungi, candidiasis. application:
- The nail is processed, the plate is cut as short as possible;
- The top layer is removed with a nail file;
- Dry your nails, apply a thin layer of varnish evenly;
- The composition must dry.
The varnish takes effect immediately after application. It can be used for prevention. Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, hypersensitivity. Side effects: itching and redness of the epidermis.
Oil-based varnish
Available in varnish and oil. It fights only against dermatophytes. It is not used to treat intermediate and advanced stages. Prevents the spread of infection on large areas of the nail.
The composition contains oils (almond, lavender, jojoba). There are also oil solutions of vitamins.
Contains keratin, silicon and coral extract.
The varnish is used in this way:
- Plates, cuticle and phalanges are treated with chlorhexidine. If not available, other antiseptics are used;
- The varnish is applied in two layers;
- It is allowed to partially touch the cuticle area.
Contraindications - allergies to components. It should be used with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Possible side effects are redness of the skin around the nail, itching.

Lacquer with active ingredients clotrimazole (1%) and ciclopirox (8%)
Available in gel and polish. The main components are clotrimazole (1%) and ciclopirox (8%). It helps to solve onychomycosis, which arose on the background of candidiasis, as well as dermatophytes in the initial stage.
The treatment is carried out according to a specific algorithm:
- The first month is used every day. Carefully apply the product without damaging the skin;
- Once a week, hardened varnish is removed with a special liquid;
- Second month of treatment. The product is used twice a week. Once every seven days, the coating is completely removed. The nail is filed and trimmed;
- Third month of therapy. One application per week is sufficient.
Local side effects are possible. The itching or burning goes away on its own. Use is unacceptable for children under 12 and pregnant women. If you are breastfeeding and allergic to the components, you should also refrain from therapy.
Opinions on nail polishes
There are mostly positive reviews of anti-fungal nail polishes on the internet. They emphasize high efficiency and ease of use. Among the disadvantages: high price, presence of contraindications. Sometimes unwanted reactions occur.
Nail fungus varnish helps to quickly solve the unpleasant problem. This form of release is the most convenient to use. The varnish creates a thick protective layer that destroys fungi. First, study the instructions, contraindications and other nuances.